Episode 17

Vandy Pump Rules


April 1st, 2023

2 hrs 24 mins 9 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

We are Eamon and Merlin, a queer married couple from Texas living in Pittsburgh, PA. We love reality television, wrestling, drag queens, and pretty much anything that can be called even kinda gay. A Gay & His Enby is a podcast where we talk about everything we love in terms of media and pop culture; everything thats gay and gay adjacent; basically all the conversations we have in our living room we are now putting in front of a microphone and on the internet for you.

During this episode we are covering the latest episodes of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Vanderpump Rules, and Real Housewives: Ulimate Girls Trip 3: Thailand.

Every week, we have the pleasure and privilege of recording from Sorgatron Media Studios in Pittsburgh. Our theme song is Pulsar by Shane Ivers which you can find at https://www.silvermansound.com

All of our social media can be found at our linktree: https://linktr.ee/agayandhisenby

In recent years, states have pushed forward a record number of bills that attack LGBTQ rights, especially transgender youth. The current obession with Drag Queens is no exception. This is a thinly veiled attempt to outlaw gender expressions that do not fall within the cisheteronormative guidelines. Please consider donating to one of the following charities to help make the US a safer place for Queer folks to live in peace.

American Civil Liberties Union
Trevor Project
True Colors United
OutRight International
Lambda Legal
GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders
Human Rights Campaign
It Gets Better Project